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  • Daniel Jadyr L. Costa UFSCar
  • Bene Eloi M. Camargo
  • André Guilherme Pradebon Tolentino
  • Jorge Akutsu
  • Natalia Andricioli Periotto
  • Marcel Okamoto Tanaka



águas superficiais, hidrometria, medição de vazão


Understanding the hydrological behavior of watersheds is important to unravel questions that include the planning and management of water resources. Determining flow rate in rivers and channels is essential to determine surface water availability and comply the multiple uses of water. Diverse instruments and methods can be used in field campaigns of flow rate measurement. Here we carried out a comparative analysis of four methods, the float method, current meter, acoustic and chemical (conservative tracer method) methods, by determining flow rate of surface waters in two stream reaches to verify the behavior and reliability of the different methods to the studied reaches. The chemical method was the most reliable of all methods in both reaches. We present strengths and limitations for all methods in the studied reaches. Considering geometric and hydraulic characteristics of the transversal sections such as width, depth, and velocities are fundamental to choose the methods that can be used with greater confidence to determine flow rate in field situations.

Author Biographies

Bene Eloi M. Camargo

Mestrando do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Engenharia Urbana - PPGEU, UFSCar, Brasil

André Guilherme Pradebon Tolentino

Estudante de graduação em Engenharia Civil, UFSCar, Brasil

Jorge Akutsu

Professor do Departamento de Engenharia Civil, UFSCar, Brasil

Natalia Andricioli Periotto

Departamento de Ciências Ambientais, UFSCar, Brasil

Marcel Okamoto Tanaka

Professor do Departamento de Ciências Ambientais e do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ciências Ambientais – PPGCAm, UFSCar, Brasil


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How to Cite

L. Costa, D. J., M. Camargo, B. E. ., Pradebon Tolentino, A. G. ., Akutsu, J. ., Andricioli Periotto, N. ., & Okamoto Tanaka, M. . (2023). ANÁLISE COMPARATIVA DE MÉTODOS DE MEDIÇÃO DE VAZÃO EM CORPOS D´ÁGUA SUPERFICIAIS. Urban Engineering in Debate, 4(1), 6–25.

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