Urban Public Transport, Principal Component Analysis, Multivariate Analysis of Variance, Satisfaction levelAbstract
Public Transport (PT) is a great ally in the search for sustainable urban mobility strategies, and increasing its demand is essential. One of the ways to increase the demand for PT is through a quality service that promotes the users’ satisfaction. This article investigates how the level of users’ satisfaction in relation to the quality indicators of PT is influenced by their socioeconomic characteristics. The methodology is based on modeling using the Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) methods. The data collection was carried out through a questionnaire with 220 users of urban PT by bus in Itajubá, MG. The indicators were developed through a literature review and grouped into 12 components by applying the PCA. The results of the application of MANOVA demonstrate gender and education as significant variables in the level of satisfaction of users of PT. The results contribute to the development of public policies and guidelines for the company provided the service in improving the PT system.
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