materiais da construção civil, impedância, condutividade, propriedades multifuncionaisAbstract
The demand for infrastructure that meets economic, social and environmental needs requires technological advances from research in a wide range of fields, including the development and improvement of cementitious composites such as mortars and concretes, which are widely used in infrastructure projects. In this sense, academia has sought to add new functionalities to cementitious composites, to the point that improving their electrical properties has gained prominence. When improved, these properties allow the composites to be used as electrical energy collectors, traffic detection systems, electromagnetic shielding, structural monitoring, among others. To this end, electrically conductive materials such as carbon and metals are incorporated into the cementitious matrix. Studies have shown that such composites have multifunctional characteristics, since in addition to functioning as structural components, for example, in the case of a bridge, a tunnel or a pavement, they are also capable of offering other functionalities such as generating, transmitting or storing electrical energy. However, more research is needed to overcome all the technical, economic and environmental challenges, aiming at the use of cementitious composites with electrical properties (CCEPs) in real constructions. Thus, the objective of this work is to present an overview of CCEPs research that contributes to the identification of fields for future research.
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Copyright (c) 2025 João Batista Lamari Palma e Silva, Camila Tiemi Ozaki e Silva, Stephanie Cucolo Marçula, Rosa Cristina Cecche Lintz, Luísa Andréia Gachet

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