Energy Efficiency, Electricity, Environment, Conscious Consumption, LED Lamps.Abstract
Electricity is an essential asset in both economic development and social development. The energy consumption, in this way, has been growing with the passage of the years due to the new technologies and the development adopted in the country. For future generations to have access to this good, the present generation cannot exhaust its energy sources. Therefore, it is necessary to develop sustainable technologies as well as an efficient use of current energy sources, combined with consumption conscious residential. Both production and consumption of energy cause environmental impacts, but current consumption patterns can be improved by stimulating more efficient use of energy and transition from fossil energy sources to alternative and renewable sources. The present paper aims to raise the discussion about residential consumption, which now demands about 25.5% of the electricity consumed in the country; taking into account the replacement of incandescent lamps with LED lamps, promoting a reduction in the monthly bill of energy consumption, and having important environmental benefits for the Brazilian Energy Matrix, as well as contributing significantly to the reduction of hazardous waste generated conventional technologies. LED lamps are considered sustainable from an environmental point of view, as they do not contain polluting elements such as fluorescent lamps, thus reducing the amount of hazardous waste generated. Another important benefit of LED is its low energy consumption, which causes, in addition to saving the user, a reduction in the need for electricity generation, reducing the environmental impacts of this process. In addition, the LED does not heat the environment, as there is no heat emission, which helps to reduce energy consumption for cooling the environment.References
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